I started playing piano at about 10 years old and quickly found I had a knack for it. At the urging of my mother I started playing classical music but in a while I started doodling with my own creations. That was the beginning of a long journey into music creation and production. Fast forward to my 20s after a series of false starts, band breakups and near great and not so great bands, I finally started to gain some success with some of my songs. But around that time my father passed away suddenly and left our family’s machine engineering company leaderless. Well I tried to keep one foot in both worlds – while building a recording studio (E.A.R.S.) and writing music, I was working by day building an engineering business and designing machinery. Eventually the day job won out. Well that was a long way from my passion for music but it was part of my upbringing. I found I enjoyed (most of) it too and it actually paid the bills. Fast forward again another few decades, I realized I had left the music business altogether but the music hadn’t left me. In fact, it was playing all on its own in my head. So I sat myself down and started to finish and record some of it in my small home studio and thanks to the internet this website was created to feature it.